iRacing | Apex Racing League GT3 Trophy S3 | Round 6 Hockenheim Round 6 photo coverage from the ARL GT3 Trophy championship. Alex Fildes, Privateer Andy Thompson, Performance Link Esports Christophe Herbigneaux, DeltaSport Lukas Lang, WS Racing eSports Mads Haslund Bisgaard, Version 11 Roland Schartner,…

27th April 2022
iRacing | Apex Racing League GT3 Trophy S3 | R5 RAmer
iRacing | Apex Racing League GT3 Trophy S3 | R5 RAmer Photos from the 5th round of the GT3 Trophy championship. Moises Caraballo - Hardpoint Motorsports Tim Spesser - WestWood Racing eSports Andy Thompson - Performance link Esports René Hoogenhout - Low Grip Racing Team…

21st April 2022
iRacing | Apex Racing League GT3 Trophy S3 | R4 Barber
iRacing | Apex Racing League GT3 Trophy S3 | R4 Barber Photos from the 4th round of the GT3 Trophy championship. Christophe Herbigneaux - DeltaSport Jentsen Adriaenssens - Indy Autosport Adam Gladden - Vulcan Sim Racing Anders Lillejordet - Team Vikings Alex Fildes - Privateer…

15th April 2022
iRacing | Apex Racing League GT3 Trophy S3 | R3 Daytona
iRacing | Apex Racing League GT3 Trophy S3 | R3 Daytona Photos from the 3rd round of the GT3 Trophy championship. Jacky Lotterman - AXA SimSport Moises Caraballo - Hardpoint Motorsports James Hall - Vulcan Sim Racing Anders Lillejordet - Team Vikings Tom Maquel -…

11th April 2022
iRacing | Apex Racing League GT3 Trophy S3 | R2 Watkins Glen
iRacing | Apex Racing League GT3 Trophy S3 | R2 Watkins Glen Photos from the 2nd round of the GT3 Trophy championship. Keiran Smart - TrackScotland Adam Wright - BSTV eSports Mathew McBride - TrackScotland Christophe Regenwetter - Low Grip Racing Team Silver Pascal Ebener…

31st March 2022
iRacing | Apex Racing League GT3 Trophy S3 | R1 Sebring
iRacing | Apex Racing League GT3 Trophy S3 | R1 Sebring Photos from the 1st round of the GT3 Trophy championship. Thomas Cope - Olympus eSports Lukas Lang - WS Racing eSports Tom Vallenthini - Low Grip Racing Team Gold Wiebe Nijkamp - BSTV eSports…

10th March 2022
ARL GT3 Trophy Season 3 Launch
Season 3 is here in the Apex Racing League GT3 Trophy! Drivers of all iRatings are welcome to join this 9 rounds series, with 3 driver classes and a new race format! The series will start on Tuesday 29th March, concluding on the 24th of…
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